Mom's Visit - Arrival


So the most exciting part of this year by far was my Mom's visit in July/August. For those who don't know my mom, this was a pretty big deal. Rwanda is FAR and for someone like my mom who has never left the US, this is a huge first travel. If that's not love, I don't know what is! We had the best of times together and being able to show her what my life is like was a huge blessing.

Mom's Arrival into Kigali International Airport
My Mom arrived well after midnight at the airport, after quite the journey. She was supposed to arrive in the afternoon, where everyone could welcome her in true Rwandan style, but if you can count on anything, it's flights being delayed. What a great way to welcome a first time international flier by cancelling the flight with no notice only for my cellphone-might-as-well-be-a-house-phone Dad to leave her at the terminal XD. 

But she made it! At that is what's most important. It was lovely to have her here, safe and sound in one peice, and also nice that there was no traffic for her trip back to my house from the airport (I say this like Kigali has crazy traffic, but really we are quite lucky!) 

Here initial impressions of night time Kigali were just that it seemed like any other new city she would visit, and it's true! Kigali is one of the fastest developing cities on the continent (overnight roundabout construction, anyone?) and I feel like it stomps out many a preconception an American might have about Africa in general. 

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