About Me

So I get a lot of questions about how/why I live in Rwanda, and I can't blame anyone for asking! And I must admit, its one of the first things I ask other foreigners that I meet. Everyone always has their own unique story, and I'll share mine with you :) For those who don't know, Rwanda is this tiny country landlocked on the east side of the African continent.

Yes, that little pink dot down there, that's where I call home and I wouldn't have it any other way! When many people hear the name Rwanda their first though is the genocide, but I hope that this little slice of my life will show everyone how this beautiful country is so much more than that. I moved here in May of 2013, but had previously visited on a study abroad trip in the summer of 2012 when I was still in college. It was a trip that truly changed my life.  It's been a whirlwind of ups and downs, but taking this leap of faith into the unknown is the greatest risk I have ever taken. Which also means I have so many stories to share :). 

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